Probably choosing an important person in your life could be easy for some of you. For me this was the hardest thing to choose. First of all because an important person should be a role model for me, it should be someone I truly admire. Also it has to be someone who makes a change at a certain point of my life. And the bad thing is taht this person could not be from my family.
At first i thought on talking about one of my friends. But i realize that they do are important but the have never change my life or I could not conceder them a role model because they haven't reach everything they want in their lives. Then I think on someone that has influence me not only in reaching my goals but also he has tech me what is good or bad with its own example. This person probably is not the richest man in the world, neather recognize by the entire world. This person is important for me and for my life.

How does he become special to me? T first I was just one of his karate students. He starts noticing I have a big potential for this sport. He always tells me I will become in one of his champions. I truly don't know if everything that he tells me was true, but I'm sure it does work for something. He was able to make me think I was capable of reaching it, and with dedication he do enroll me o to competition life.
I think at the part he truly became important to me was when I totally lose contact with my father. I find this masculine figure in him. He was the one who give me advices when I need it, and I don't want them to be from my mom. He was also the one who encourage me to get out of what I thought was my limit of posibilities. He always encourages me to try new things. But he always prepare me for losing telling me that probably I will not be able to make somenthing in the first time but with effort and dedication I will be able to reach everything I want. And I was actually able to experiment the filling of reaching something I thought was impossible.
But I think that what actually make him special for me was that since the bigining he opens his hart to me so I feel secure and open my heart to him in the same way. I'm really shy and untrustful when it refers to meeting new people. And for someone becoming of my trust I do need them to show it with acts and not only with how they are with others. And I don't know how he did it but he truly gains my heart and trust. He always tells me that my way of being is very special, and that I should never loose it.
What I thank to him the most is the way in which he was able to guide during my adolescent years. He, through karate, was able to show me the real value of good and bad. He was also able to show me what responsibility is and how everything in this world depends totally on the way we decide to act. I do learn all this lessons because he let me experience them through simple things that in a certain way change my view of how to act or respond to them. But he also tells me about his own experiences and how the mistakes he made take him to be the big person he is now.
I do conceder him a wise and an important person to me. I know that every time I need an advice he will be there to show me with all his wisdom the right way to take. I will tank him all my life for influencing so much in the person I'm today because I do conceder myself as a good person. And I will also thank him for showing me the value of always telling the true even though this is good or bad, which is a characteristic now days many people lose when it should be the principal thing in any mans world.