First impressions sometimes make you think the wrong thing about persons or places. But other times they make you think things are better than what they really are. That's why we should never judge for a first impression on someone or something. You can loose many good experiences if you decide to judge for the first impression instead of giving a chance to whatever it needs one. That was exactly what I did with a person.
This person at first seems to me very crazy and outgoing. That type of girls who go out every Thursday, fraday and Saturday. The first time I saw her in a party she smoke tow cigarret packets in three hours I will said. She also drinks like crazy and I will even say she dance with every man in the party. She seems like thous girs who are really lost in the world.
My thoughts confirm at school were she didn't have good grades neather. She never makes any effort to overcome her problem at scool. For me her only purpose for going to scool was nearing new people. I really conceder her does types of girls whom wich I will never get well. One of the girls which I conceder I don't have anything in common.
For my big surprise I was really wrong about all my thoughts. Ofcourse for me noticing this many events happen before. It all starts with helps. This is a helping program all IV grade students have the opportunity to go. At first I was scare to go because all my friends were going to another helping team, and the only ones which were my friends were all boys. The first day on the bus I seat at the back with the boys wich were all good friends.

My first work was with this girl who was best friend of the girl I conceder totally crazy. I had never had a good or bad impresion of this girl because I have never seen her out of scool or focus on what se did at scool so I have no reasons for judging her. And she turns to be a really good friend. We were all day long together and share many times. She was really nice with me and we had a really good time.
That night we get all together and I start changing my concept about this other girl. I find out that yes she was crazy as I think, but not in the way I think. My concept of her changes into a better concept. I start considering he a good friend and a good person. For the way she include every one and accept others not mattering who they were.
But that was not all. Many month after he came to my house to study with another friend, and of course the least thing we did was study. I don't know how but we start talking about life. I descover we actually have many things in common. We booth have bad family experiences, the only thing that change was the way we decide to overcome that problems.
Sine that day we became really close and we actually conceder at each other friends right know. I know I count on her for every problem I have. We also go out for the movies or to eat every time we can, and even I know we have plenty of difference I realize we are so much alike. The differences we have also benefit each of us in a certain way. She can hive me pretty good advices about party life, and I can give advices to her about problems of life.
In that way we complement each other and make our frendship each time stronger. She was the first person that actually shows me the value of knowing people befor judging them. And I thank her for that big lesson of life she gave me. By my experience I can tell you that even thoes whom you conceder the worst persons or influence for you could give you a big lesson of life and even turn to be one of your best friends. Just as she change mine.
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